Here at GRE we have a positive behavior system that recognizes students who are “Going for the GOLD” by following our school rules.
G - Give Respect
O - Own Your Actions
L - Listen and Learn
D - Do Your Best
In our room I will constantly be handing out "pounds of gold" for positive behaviors. Students can collect these over time to use in our class store every other Friday.
In the school teachers, aides, specials teachers, and office staff will watch for students who are exhibiting these behaviors and give them “Golden Tickets”. Students will write his/her name on the “Golden Ticket” and place it in our ticket jar throughout the week. On Fridays we send all “Golden Tickets” to the office and a student is chosen from our class to go to the office and get recognized for “Going for the GOLD”. The more tickets each child receives, the more likely they will be called to the office. When they are called to the office they will get to choose from a variety of prizes including, an elevator pass, or a special pencil.
Each week the class that collects the most “Golden Tickets” will get to have our stuffed mascot “Digger” in the classroom for the week.
Please help us to reinforce this positive behavior system and encourage your child to “Go for the GOLD.”
Thank you for your support!